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5 Tips that Can Make Your Nonprofit Fundraising a Success
Posted by Tim Smith in Mass Notification System on June 30, 2015
Updated on August 10, 2022

DialMyCalls offers an easy to use fundraising tool through its mass notification system.
In any organization that relies on members’ contributions to sustain activities and other group related expenses, fundraising can prove to be one of the most daunting exercises. No matter what scheme is used or what the end motive for the fund raising activity is, collecting voluntary dole-outs from members is not always an easy endeavor.
Nonprofit fundraising should be easy, considering you are working towards a noble cause. The problem is there are thousands of organizations like yours vying for funds whose cause is just as noble. In order to stand out from that crowd, start getting creative with your fundraising efforts and you will quickly see your goals being met.
Make Your Fundraising Events Competitive
It is very hard to resist participating in an event that highlights your skills or shows off secret talents. This could be a cooking challenge, talent show, karaoke, or any type of sporting event. If you are able to create the right amount of hype around the competition, plenty of people are going to come out to watch as it unfolds, making generous donations in the process.
Holiday Spirit and Generosity
This is the time of year when people are feeling most generous. You can organize a group of volunteers who will expertly wrap presents for a small donation. If you have the right number of motivated volunteers you can even offer holiday shopping services. Or put on a holiday production or talent show, requesting a small admission fee.
Look Beyond Dollars
Donations of goods and services are equally as valuable as money. Ask business owners for donations of their products that can then either be sold, raffled or used as an incentive in fundraising events. Services from professionals are another great incentive. This method is often used in auctions, where the highest bidders are rewarded with handy man services, in-home cooking and other unique and extravagant services.
Utilize Kids to Gather Donations
Nothing tugs at the heart string harder than children. Recruit child volunteers, empower them with the knowledge of what your fundraising cause is for and how it will help people, then set them loose. Children can be a part of team to collect and raise money, request participation from friends and family and can also be active participants in shows or competitions where you request a donation for admission.
Thank Your Donors
At the heart of any nonprofit fundraising is gratitude. As the person who is actively working on raising money, it is up to you to show appreciation to your donors. You can do this easily by using their contact information. Enlist the help of a mass notification service like DialMyCalls to send text messages to your donors, thanking them for participating and letting them know what your efforts were able to accomplish. This will make it easier to get them to participate again at your next charitable event.
Nonprofit fundraising can be a success once you begin to think creatively. Look at your target donor and come up with ideas that will both inspire and entertain them while encouraging donations to your organization.