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5 Best Practices for College Recruiters
Posted by Tim Smith in General Post on February 23, 2016
Updated on August 10, 2022
For decades, businesses have recognized the benefit of bringing new minds aboard that are coming straight out of college. The job of a college recruiter is to entice the best and brightest to become a part of whatever team they are working for. The stakes are high and the competition tough, making it imperative that college recruiters learn how to make connections with this emerging job pool at their level and build strong relationships that last.
Create a Compelling Online Presence
Your potential new employees are born of the digital age, and are accustomed to communicating online. In order to attain their interest, your company needs to be online too, tweeting, posting and even blogging on a regular basis. Make it as personal as possible by using names and pictures. Choose individuals with strong personalities that people generally migrate, to manage your social presence online, and give them some liberty when it comes to engaging with college students you want on your payroll.
Give An Insider Peek
Rather than your standard recruiting videos on your website and social media outlets, let your employees give an insider view of a typical day in your office. They can share tidbits about projects they are assigned to, so long as they don’t disclose any private company information. A graduating college student is most likely to choose a company if they already have an idea of what is in store for them while working there.
Make Them Feel Like They are Getting Special Treatment
As you start to weed through the various candidates, hone in on those who you feel will make the best fit in your business. Ask them to opt in for special messages and updates through SMS text messages, and then use your employee notification system to give those individuals an even better view of your company. You can send a blast message when your company has landed a big client, won an important case, or reached a new sales goal. With that type of information being shared, the recruit already feels like they are a part of the team.
Make Sure that Your Content is Valuable
College students are not just looking for the entry level position, they have a vested interest in how to move up the ladder quickly. Providing accurate information for how advancement works will give them a better understanding of what their next five years could be like with your company, not just the next five months.
Go Mobile
It is imperative that your company website and recruiting pages are adaptable to mobile devices. The number of people accessing the web from a smartphone device is increasing every day, and your website has to be developed in order to accommodate that smaller screen. Without this feature, college students will quickly bypass your site to find one that is easier to read.
Successful college recruiting is about engaging students in a format that they are most comfortable with. This means becoming savvy with social media networking and making your company appeal to your most promising recruits at a personal level.